What is joint inflammation and how can a chiropractor help?

Our bodies have several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints (hips, shoulders, etc), plane joints (wrists, ankles, etc), hinge joints (knees, elbows, etc) and saddle joints (carpal bone of thumb and tarsal bone of the foot). Considering the complex mechanisms that partake in making everything work harmoniously, It is little wonder that joint pain is a common issue for many of our patients. James Zheng (Chiropractor) at Body Therapy Chiropractic regularity treats cases relating to joint pain. More often than not the primary cause of this pain is inflammation.

What Is Joint Inflammation?

Inflammation is a normal bodily reaction that is encompassed within the immune response. If you have an injury you may benefit from the subsequent inflammation process because it can aid in the healing process. However, there are times when existing inflammation compounds and creates more inflammation, which is not an optimal situation for health and can result in uncomfortable pain.

Arthritis is the most common form of joint inflammation, with many older Australians suffering from it. The two main types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis refers to wear and tear in the joints due to injury, overuse or normal ageing. It can affect many areas of the body, often in the hips, knees, shoulders and back. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when there is something wrong with the bodies immune system function, causing chronic joint inflammation.

Foods that can trigger an Inflammatory response

There are specific foods that can induce joint inflammation for many of our patients. If you suffer from joint inflammation, you may have been advised to limit some foods from a general practitioner or allied health professional. Some of the common offenders include foods that contain trans fats, processed sugars, refined flour (eg: white flour), monosodium glutamate (MSG), gluten and alcohol.  Many diets focusing on green vegetables, nuts, fruits and fatty fish (such as salmon) have shown positive results when it comes to reducing inflammation.

How Can Body Therapy Chiropractic Help?

James Zheng (Chiropractor) regularly utilises joint adjustments to not just help with inflammation, but also treat the overarching cause of joint pain. Since every patient and situation is different, James’ treatments are customised toward the individual so they will have the greatest effect. James may also employ massage machines or other treatment strategies as part of the protocol.

Reducing pressure on your joints by strengthening the surrounding muscles is another tactic that can help with joint inflammation, and improve overall health. Movement therapies like pilates, tai chi or yoga can go a long way towards strengthening and lengthening muscles at the same time. This can result in less work required by the affected joints and can reduce the pain and swelling caused by overuse. The first step is to book a consultation so James can assess your situation and come up with a customised treatment plan and solution that works best for you.

We take the time to listen at Body Therapy Chiropractic because we understand that successful care requires time. Our appointments are set up so that we can give you as much time as you need for a comprehensive and detailed treatment—as well as discuss any further personalised advice for optimal health.

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