Chiropractor Near North Willoughby

Your local chiropractor serving Sydney’s Lower North Shore.

Looking for a Chiropractor near North Willoughby, NSW?

Chiropractic care originated in 1895 and is based upon the law of biology that declares that hereditary to all living things is the ability to be healthy and well. Our spine acts as a protective armour for our nervous system, which commands and co-ordinates each and every function of the body. Millions of messages pass from the brain to the organs and tissues through the spinal cord and nerves, and signals are sent back through the same pathway to the brain to clarify that the body is working optimally.

Dr. James Zheng (Chiropractor) recommends and provides ongoing treatment to patients with a goal to:

  • Prevent or reduce any further pain the patient may be experiencing

  • Improve a patients posture and foster wellbeing

  • general injury recovery

Body Therapy Chiropractic is a friendly and welcoming environment. All assessments and treatments are performed in a private treatment room.

Chiropractic adjustments are a gentle manoeuvre applied to a specific area of your spine that has been assessed by Dr. James Zheng to have reduced or restricted movement.  Often the adjustment is associated with a clicking sound, and although this may sound odd it is nothing to be concerned about and represents a release of tension from a joint.  The positive impact of the adjustment is an increased movement of the area of the body it was applied too.

Chiropractors are skilled at treating ALL parts of the body, for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. A wide assortment of conditions respond particularly well to chiropractic treatment including:

Contact us or use the form below to make a booking at Body Therapy Chiropractic.

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