Chiropractor Near Northbridge

Your local chiropractor serving Sydney’s Lower North Shore.

Looking for a Chiropractor near Northbridge, NSW?

If you’ve landed on this site it’s likely because you are seeking answers and solutions to improve your health and take care of your body. Our goal at Body Therapy Chiropractic is to deliver a robust health solution that’s tailored to your needs. Whether your goal is to be able to play with your kids pain-free, exceed your athletic training goals or simply for lifestyle maintenance – we have got you covered!

Our philosophy is to help change people’s lives and provide pain relief for many symptoms, such as lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, etc. We can treat your pain and and help you get moving again. How do we achieve this? It’s simple - We listen, we care, we restore. Dr. James Zheng (Chiropractor) will work with you to develop your personalised plan.

Because we know your body is unique, your treatment approach needs to be too. We believe in using proven treatment methods that get your body moving optimally again! Conveniently located near Northbridge in Chatswood, NSW, we are here to help. Feel the Difference of Body Therapy Chiropractic!

Chiropractors are skilled at treating ALL parts of the body, for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. A wide assortment of conditions respond particularly well to chiropractic treatment including:

Contact us or use the form below to make a booking at Body Therapy Chiropractic.

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