About James

chatswood chiropractor james zheng

Body Therapy Chiropractic's Director and Principal Chiropractor is Dr. James Zheng. James graduated from Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and a Masters in Chiropractic.

James participated in a variety of sports growing up, including basketball, rugby, soccer, and cricket. James integrates a holistic approach to chiropractic by drawing on his own experience of injury recovery and his understanding of spinal bio-mechanics.

James specialises in posture correction, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, feet and ankles, knees and hips. To treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, James uses manual joint stimulation and a range of soft tissue therapies.

James enjoys learning about various cultures and has travelled to China, Belgium, France, England, Indonesia, and the United States on a regular basis. James is also fluent in Mandarin.


我是脊柱整骨主治医师詹姆士(James Zheng)毕业于麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)并获得了脊椎治疗学学士学位和脊椎治疗学硕士学位。

詹姆斯擅长姿势矫正,尤其是腰部扭伤,腰肌劳损和椎间盘突出,以及颈、肩疼痛,下背部、脚和脚踝,膝盖和臀部的疼痛。 为了治疗肌肉骨骼疼痛和功能障碍,詹姆斯会运用手动关节刺激和一系列软组织疗法。

在詹姆斯的成长过程中,曾参与多项体育运动,包括篮球,橄榄球,足球和板球。 詹姆斯在篮球方面表现尤其出色,曾代表Hills Hornets篮球协会和Hornsby Ku Ring Gai篮球协会多次参赛。直到现在,詹姆斯仍然在为篮球运动贡献着自己的一份力量,还曾担任Saint Ignatius College学院第一和第二篮球队的脊椎运动训练师。詹姆斯通过自己的损伤恢复经验和对脊柱生物力学的理解,可以为患者制定更全面的整脊疗法。

詹姆斯热衷于了解各国文化,曾多次前往中国,比利时,法国,英国,印度尼西亚和美国。 詹姆斯也能讲流利的普通话并为中文患者提供专业治疗。

Healing comes from within — and I’m here to help you achieve it.