Your first visit

A standard first-time treatment at Body Therapy Chiropractic takes about 45 to 50 minutes on average. The individual will fill out an initial consultation form outlining their health concerns and problems, followed by a personal consultation with Dr. James Zheng.

You will be asked about your overall health and any acute or chronic conditions for which you would like to receive treatment. We ask that you please bring X-rays, MRIs, scans, or other recent medical tests which relate to the acute or chronic conditions for which you are seeking treatment. This will provide Dr. Zheng with a comprehensive view of your body.

Following the initial consultation, Dr. Zheng will plan an individually acceptable course of treatment and will speak to you about your condition and what he can do to support you. This will include one or more follow-up visits as Dr. Zheng pursues the appropriate treatment plan that is tailored to help you recover while helping you to work at your best.

Dr. Zheng will then perform the individualised treatment plan, which may require the use of one or more of the clinic's healing devices and treatment supplies such as massage machines, instruments, and special treatment beds.

Once your care is completed, Dr. Zheng will inform you of the best way to return to work, school, or home in facilitating your recovery.