Chiropractic vs Osteopathy

Your local chiropractor serving Chatswood, NSW and surrounds.

Whats the difference between chiropractic medicine and osteopathic medicine?

If you are suffering from any type of discomfort or pain, it’s safe to say you are keen to discover the best course of treatment. There are several pain relief medicines available at the chemist or even prescription based drugs that may mask symptoms temporarily, but when it comes to chronic pain, you may want to explore a more holistic approach that can offer long lasting relief.

Pain management and optimal bodily movement is crucial, and getting the right help can make all the difference in the world for a suffering patient. Be it an integrated approach or a focused treatment, finding the right allied health professional can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

The next point of focus for people who live in and around Chatswood, NSW may be to either approach a chiropractor or an osteopath for treatment. And one common query many patients have is “what is the difference between a chiropractor and osteopath”?

Here are a few differences between the two allied health professionals:

Chiropractic care in Chatswood, NSW

A chiropractor’s primary focus is on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones and joints, and the impact of these afflictions on the nervous system. Chiropractors emphasise passive manual treatments, including spinal adjustments and joint and soft-tissue manipulation. They often offer nutritional advice and prescribe exercises to help you rehabilitate from your condition, correct unhealthy habits and improve overall health.

Osteopathy in Chatswood, NSW

An osteopath focuses on the muscular and nervous systems, assessing the makeup of the patients body to determine its impact on bodily function. For example, the position of a patients pelvis and spine may impact on the way they manoeuvre their body when performing housework or gardening. Treatment may include a hybrid of active and passive therapies, including joint manipulation and mobilisation, massage, as well as education on optimal posture and exercise programs.

osteopath vs chiropractor

Sydney Allied Health Professionals

Regardless of whether you choose to visit a chiropractor or osteopath, you should expect the respective health professional to ask questions about your medical history. They will ask you questions about your pain, when it began, the activity you were doing when it occurred, and more. They are also going to perform an examination, which might require you to move your arms, stand up straight, and more. Based on the examination, they may diagnose you with a particular condition, and you may get multiple diagnoses depending on your issues.

Once you are diagnosed correctly, either health professional will work out a treatment plan for your condition and likely recommend follow up appointment(s). Once your body begins healing and working more optimally without as many treatments, you can work on self-managing the pain coupled with less frequent maintenance appointments. Generally, both chiropractors and osteopaths are also going to recommend that you do rehabilitative exercises. Many times, chiropractors and osteopaths will talk to you about your sporting activities, lifestyle, profession and hobbies. They can offer advice on how to prevent pain and issues while helping you improve your range of motion, flexibility while continuing to do the things that you love.

Both allied health approaches have their own fair share of advantages. It’s dependant on the type of healing you are in search of and which approach you are most comfortable with. To learn more about chiropractic care and its benefits, contact James at Body Therapy Chiropractic or book a chiropractic appointment or free phone consultation today!

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