Ideal Spine Health

We provide chiropractic treatment for all conditions of the spine.

Body Therapy Chiropractic in Chatswood, NSW specialises in identifying underlying dysfunction and providing corrective treatment to address the true source of your pain.

Treatment from your Chatswood Chiropractor uses a gentle, hands-on approach. James Zheng (Chiropractor) is passionate about the effectiveness of his techniques to relieve pain and improve movement in as little as one appointment. His treatment style also provides lasting changes to ensure spinal health and function in the long term. The chiropractic treatment plan that will be tailored for you as an individual will be based on the findings at your initial assessment and ensure that best techniques are used to achieve optimal health for you.

Chiropractic care in Chatswood, NSW

Chiropractic therapy is not simply designed to get rid of your symptoms, like over the counter or prescription medications do. In addressing any spinal misalignment and associated nerve dysfunction in your neck or back, James’ treatment style will help correct the underlying cause of your discomfort and help to promote the body’s natural healing processes. His treatment focuses on maintaining health in a natural, holistic way to help your body resist disease, rather than simply treating symptoms of disease. Regular Chiropractic care trigger’s your body’s ability to heal itself without the use of these drugs or surgery.

What role does posture play in spinal health & back pain?

Muscle imbalances are the most common cause of poor posture. While many patients may focus on strengthening the lower back, they often neglect to train the back and shoulder muscles. Patients who have a weaker upper body tend to suffer from rounded shoulders that droop or gravitate forward. Strengthening all areas of the chest, back and core muscles via strength training, yoga or pilates can help to pull the shoulders back and improve posture for the patient. If your profession involves sitting at a desk all day long, you may notice you have poor posture compared to others who are more active during their day. Posture correction can be achieved by booking an appointment as James will utilise chiropractic adjustments that help to strengthen and support your spine.

Dr. James Zheng has treated patients from all walks of life and can provide relief and healing for many different types of conditions including back pain relating from poor spinal health. Before any physical adjustments are performed, James will perform an in-depth consultation, a thorough examination and review any relevant scans/imaging in order to best evaluate your specific needs.

To learn more about chiropractic care and its benefits to spinal health (and overall health), contact James at Body Therapy Chiropractic or book a chiropractic appointment or free phone consultation today!

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