Can Chiropractic Care Enhance Sports Performance?

Both disciplined Athletes as well as weekend warriors can put a huge physical toll on their bodies. Even when not in a formal competition, training session or recreational match, the hours of dynamic movement can stress your joints. Proper rest and recovery are critical to improving or maintaining your current athletic and overall health level. However, you may have found that you do not see the performance that you expect from yourself. This may be associated with issues that can be resolved and/or improved with chiropractic treatments. If you are into sports or other athletics, chiropractic care should be a regular part of your health and fitness regimen. If you want the help of an experienced chiropractor that specialises on the needs of athletes and weekend warriors, contact Body Therapy Chiropractic today for your consultation.

There are several aspects to athletic performance we can assist with:

Chiropractic Care To Help Relieve Current Stress On Your Joints


The high levels of strain and physical stress that athletes and weekend warriors place on their joints can be extraordinary. Many have learned that if they are not feeling the pain of a workout in their joints the next day, they didn’t work hard enough. However, it’s not normal or healthy to be feeling regular and consistent discomfort in your joints. Chiropractic care can help to relieve this and get you feeling and performing better.


Chiropractic Care For Treating Injuries


Athletes are at a much higher risk of injury than more sedentary people. If you have suffered an injury, consider adding chiropractic care to your treatment regimen. At Body Therapy Chiropractic, we can often help to reduce your healing time when combined with other therapeutic measures.

Chiropractor for IT Band Issues

One of the reasons to see a sports chiropractor is to receive a hip adjustment that can stop IT Band pain in its tracks.

There’s no reason to have IT Band pain, even if you are a regular athlete. it can be a sign that your body is out of alignment. You may be doing all the things you can to keep your body stable and aligned, but the constant pounding of running simply causes things to shift.

Chiropractic Care for Runner’s Knee

Yes, chiropractors can help with running knee pain! Of course they aren’t the only solution, but one of the main causes of runners knee is un-optimal bodily alignment. Chiropractic care helps with keeping the body moving efficiently, to ease the mechanical loads and stress on the body, whether it is a long distance run you are training for or simply everyday repetitive movements. A trained and experienced chiropractor can also help determine the likelihood of a future injury by identifying muscle imbalances or joint restrictions.

Chiropractic Care Can Prevent Injuries


Many people often feel like they only need to see a chiropractor when they start to feel pain. Chiropractors can often help you avoid an injury in the first place. Misaligned joints can fatigue the surrounding muscles more quickly and make you more susceptible to injury.

Chiropractors Use Non-Invasive Methods And Don’t Use Drugs


Chiropractic care offers some significant benefits to our patients. Invasive treatments (such as surgery) create a second wound that needs to heal. Chiropractic care helps to ensure that joints are properly aligned and functioning correctly. Additionally, if you are an elite athlete, considering increased drug testing and an ever-expanding list of banned substances, your mind can be at ease as chiropractic care does not use drugs or chemical substances. This means that you can enjoy chiropractic care without the fear of being disqualified because you were not sure what chemicals were in your medications or supplements.



If you are an athlete or weekend warrior that feels like any of these points would be a benefit for you, call Body Therapy Chiropractic today to schedule a free consultation. We can work with you to identify the areas you would like to improve and develop a treatment plan that meets your needs.


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