Medibank member Chiropractor

Your local chiropractor serving Medibank members in Sydney’s Lower North Shore.

Looking for a Chiropractor in Chatswood that is a Medibank participating provider?

Body Therapy Chiropractic's Director and Principal Chiropractor is Dr. James Zheng, who graduated from Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and a Masters in Chiropractic. James specialises in posture correction, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, feet and ankles, knees and hips. To treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, James uses manual joint stimulation and a range of soft tissue therapies. Many Medibank extras health insurance cover plans include chiropractic care.

Can Body Therapy Chiropractic help with my poor posture?

The nervous system consists of our brain, nerves and spinal cord and remarkably relays signals throughout our entire body. The nervous system perceives what is happening around us, coordinates and manages our bodies and communicates our thoughts. A slumped, forward posture causes stress to your spine and impedes optimal communication of the nervous system as it brings about ‘adverse mechanical cord tension’.

Our spines aren't really designed to be sitting for long periods of time, as the natural S-shaped spinal curves are altered. It is estimated that on average, Australians sit nearly ten hours each day, so it's not surprising that our bodies sometimes ache and store tension. Too much time in a slumped posture increases the stretch of a muscle. After 20 minutes, it becomes under-active and ceases to support the spine as it needs to.

Furthermore, opposing muscle groups are put under stress and they tighten and become over-contracted. Often, this causes the head to be held forward and an increased curve in the mid-back, along with rounded elevated shoulders. As we relax further into our ‘comfort zone’ we slip further away from optimal posture and our ability to return to it becomes further reduced. That is why having good posture can seem almost like exercise to some.

Chiropractic care creates better posture as areas in the spine and nervous system are released, naturally. It is a non-invasive treatment methodology of unwinding tension and stress, therefore it improves posture and guides you towards a smarter, taller, more focused and confident individual.

medibank chiropractor chatswood

Chiropractic treatment from Dr. James Zheng can improve posture, provide pain relief, help prevent injuries, improve mobility, decrease swelling in any injured areas, and provide faster recovery from ailments. James promises to provide undivided attention to your specific health and wellness needs. Every ache and pain in the human body has an underlying cause. Though medication can offer temporary relief, it does not correct unhealthy habits or functional problems of negatively affected joints.

Chiropractors are skilled at treating ALL parts of the body, for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. A wide assortment of conditions respond particularly well to chiropractic treatment including:

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